Tillandsia floribunda Small Form
This species native to medium to high altitudes in semi-arid scrub in Ecuador and northern Peru is in my opinion a new taxa. As an epiphyte or saxicole, it is consistently a smallish plant with slender, gray leaves to about 8 inches tall in a leafy, upright rosette. The inflorescence is on a tall, slender scape and consists of a cluster of light red branches with blue flowers.
The controversial side of this species is that it also can be found as a really much larger growing plant with an open rosette of very stiff leaves and a much more robust, bright red inflorescence. Similar, but very different in size and appearance. You never find plants in between these extremes and the two ‘forms’ are often found growing together. I believe that this smaller form is a different species or at least a distinct form or subspecies.
Anyway, this is still a showy plant and easy to cultivate but still enjoys cooler temps and pure water if available. That said, we have successfully cultivated this plant here in Florida for over 20 years.